Unrequited love…

Eryn Devitt
4 min readNov 23, 2022

I’ve had my heart broken several times in a row lately.

Is it easy? No. But is it beautiful? Times a million.

I used to be someone who resented those who couldn’t reciprocate my level of care. I think this is a common reaction. I would take it personally and be hurt and offended. I was insecure. I was also not respecting the other person for being who they were.

Lately though, the blessings and messages from the universe are clear.

My heart is open, and I FEEL love. Deep deep strong love inside of me. What a beautiful thing.

Every time I see my reflection in someone else, every time I feel connected to someone, I feel connected to myself, and I feel connected to the universe.

My passion for life is flowing. The chemicals in my brain are giving me so much creative energy. My heart is bursting.

I see the divine in another being. I see God, I see the universe, I see love.

I wish the deepest happiness for another. I live to see them smile. Their very presence gives me life.

And if they don’t feel this same heart-bursting love for me? Or if the relationship is simply not aligning in this moment of spacetime?

That is absolutely okay.

What a gift it is to know them at all. To spend any time with someone who makes my soul radiate, who gets my passion flowing.

It is truly the beauty of life to feel the depth of these emotions. To be around others who reflect divinity and connection to source.

Really, any moment spent dancing with their soul in this lifetime is truly a blessing. Looking into their eyes, sharing spacetime.

Knowing that my love is unconditional. No matter the darkness they show, the lack of connection they return, the lack of space they can hold, I see their beauty anyway.

Does that mean I’m holding my breath? Absolutely not.

No matter the reason it’s not going to work, I have a deep respect for their needs and desires. Once that is clear, the process of letting go begins, and it is usually much easier and faster than I would imagine.

This in itself gives me strength. The ability to respect someone’s boundaries. The ability to appreciate any connection that we do have. Any times that we shared. To love unconditionally.

To see them a whole autonomous human with needs and boundaries, not as a fantasy that I project my desires onto.

Not needing to control the situation. Not needing to protect my ego. Loving freely, purely, and unselfishly. Letting it be known.

It gives me a sense of security to still absolutely love and appreciate someone as a human even when they don’t fulfill my desires or fantasies.

It gives me permission to also have my own boundaries and to reject people without feeling guilty.

This is magic. This is the full spectrum of life.

Every time I meet someone that I feel strongly about, it is an affirmation that I’m on my path. Every time I manifest a beautiful soul into my life, no matter what happens, I get clearer and clearer on what I want in a partner, and in my soul fam.

These days, soul fam are manifesting around me more and more and I couldn’t be more grateful. I know that it’s because I’m growing and leveling up and manifesting beautiful mirrors around me.

Even when it doesn’t work, just these peoples’ presence teaches me what kind of energy works and doesn’t work, and what to call in.

When I am rejected, I see the shadows and incompatibilities. I see how I might be attracted to them through a trauma bond or playing out scenarios from my past. This is good information.

I used to only be attracted to people who were emotionally unavailable. With these last few people, this story continued.

The universe loves to test me, to bring me beautiful souls who are simply not available for deep connection with me. In the past, I would have pined and wished and been heartbroken.

Through my reactions now, I’m creating a new story.

This is the present. No more chasing, waiting, and trying to change someone.

Now, I say THANK YOU! So cool to know that these people exist. WOW, I just love being around amazing people. And I genuinely just want them to be happy exactly the way they are, regardless of if or how that involves me.

Letting go with grace only shows the universe that I will only accept the highest love into my life. Love that is aligned. Love that is equally reciprocated.

Rejection is divine protection. And the light in them still shines brightly, as does my own.

When I let go with love, I feel alignment with the universe. Synchronicities pop up. I have a deep knowing that I’m learning the lessons that are meant to be learned.

It feels like a breakthrough to look at love through this new lens. I’m not afraid to fall for someone anymore because it doesn’t matter the outcome. I can be rejected 1000 times and each time will be an important new lesson, a beautiful blessing.

All the while I will be continuing to work on cultivating that inner flame and cultivating my beautiful soul team.

As my unconditional love for others grows, so does my love for myself. When I give others permission to exist in their truth, I give myself this permission. When I love another person, I’m also loving myself.

And I’m reminded of the deep strong love that I have flowing inside me. And I redirect it to myself, to my soul family, and to my creative projects. This energy is a gift and I will never take it for granted again.

I’m so grateful to be at this point in my journey, and I’m lucky too. I want to express my deepest gratitude for my last partner, Norman, who helped me heal some of my deepest relational wounds.

Each relational experience we have is a chance to grow as a person, or to get stuck in a loop. We can break old cycles with gratitude. It’s easier said than done, but I hope my words can inspire someone else to look at love through a new lens.



Eryn Devitt

musician, yogi, flow artist, idealist; always searching for meaning and creative solutions